The Scole Experiment Phenomena... What was it like to be a participant?
There were many different types of phenomena seen, felt, heard, smelled and touched during the 5 years of the Scole Experiment. We have listed some of them below. Although people's experiences could not be quantified and tested scientifically they were, nevertheless, still very real to them; they constituted to each individual concerned real, tangible evidence that something paranormal was happening.
The Phenomena experienced included:
A drop in temperature often around the lower legs. The Scole Group monitored the temperature in the cellar and found that there was a correlation between the production of some of the phenomena and a drop in temperature on the thermometer. Visitors to the experimental session often reported feeling the temperature drop. Conversely, the temperature increased slightly when apports were received. Paranormal breezes were often felt when 'spirit beings' were manifested in the cellar. Smells and aromas may have been of flowers or of a smell associated with the spirit being which was communicating or who had manifested in the cellar. Raps and taps could be heard around the room coming from any surface; some soft, some very loud. Ringing of the bells in the room. These could be on the floor or hanging from wall or ceiling. Splashing of water droplets onto the Group and visitors at some sessions. Sounds of electro-static 'crackling' could be heard as phenomena were produced. Levitation at first of small objects, and then larger ones such as heavy tables and chairs. Paranormal writing by the Communicators on a pad and pencil which had been put in the cellar for this purpose. Apports which are objects brought from another place to the cellar. These were sometimes sent as gifts for the participants in an experimental session and sometimes to provide evidence. Paranormal lights which manifested constituted a spectacular experience.There is such a vast catalogue of light phenomena that we can only mention a few of their remarkable features here. The lights were reported to: dart around at great speed; perform elaborately patterned dances; settle on outstretched hands and jump from one to the other; obey commands (both verbal and mental); settle on and apparently enter the chests of investigators, who reported internal sensations immediately thereafter, then leaving from a different part of the body; settle on the open palms of a guest investigator (Professor Grattan-Guinness) who then enfolded the light inside his hands, momentarily, to satisfy himself of the absence of any physical link and to change shape from a pinpoint of light to a generalised irradiation or glow. |
Playing of musical Instruments present in the room. This not only happened at Scole but also in Ibiza and with the visitors from NASA and the CIA in the United States. Independent voices of members of the Spirit Team were heard coming from mid-air or, from within the walls. The voices allowed two-way communication between the Group and the Communicators. Healing as a paranormal light entered a person's body. This was experienced by some members of the Scole Group and visitors alike. The healing was reported to be very effective. Paranormally-produced sounds could be heard, such as scissors cutting someone's hair, when no scissors were in the cellar. Extended voice occurred and resulted in the medium's voice being heard some distance from where he was sitting. Manifestion of spirit beings who were able to move freely around the room and interact with people present at the experimental session. Paranormal photography occurred where the camera levitated and took its own pictures in complete darkness.When the film was processed there were images on it. Also with an unopened film still in its factory-sealed packaging, within a security box - still there were images on the film. Amazing footage was captured on video film too. Solid visible objects appeared for the Group to see. These were self-illuminated objects that had no name here on Earth but were common in the spirit world. They were brought by the Spirit Team for the Group to see and examine in a solid form before they were again taken back to the Spirit world. Visible spirit beings appeared as self-luminous forms which built up gradually and which then floated around the room. A feeling of love was often felt by the Group and visitors during the experimental sessions. often the room would feel charged with energy. Voice-to-voice communication through the amplifier of a tape recorder. Trans-dimensional communication via the Germanium device. Instructions for constructing this device were received by the Group on an unopened film., which when later developed revealed the instructions on part of the length of the film. An IDOLIS system (Inter-Dimensional Oral Language Interpretation System) was incorporated into this device by the Spirit Team for use during our communications. Manifestation of a miniature UFO-shaped object which flew around the room and stopped at intervals and paused in front of the faces of each of those assembled so that they could see its form more closely. |
For more information about the phenomena and people's experiences see The Scole Experiment book and The Scole Report.