Witnessing The Impossible
The Diary of The Scole Experiment
by Robin Foy
The Diary of The Scole Experiment
by Robin Foy
(The Scole Diary eBook is available on Amazon)
'Robin Foy is possibly the most experienced and successful organizer and promoter of physical mediumship circles in the last century. He is the founder of the Noah's Ark Society as well as the Scole Group. He is author of In Pursuit of Physical Mediumship and Witnessing the Impossible: The Diary of The Scole Experiment.
'Here he shares his insider's view of the amazing project that has come to be known as The Scole Experiment, possibly constituting the greatest variety and intensity of unbelievable physical phenomena in the history of parapsychology and psychical research. He describes the cohesion that developed between the living human members of the group, discarnate spirit helpers, and even beings he describes as extra-terrestrials.' Dr Jeffrey Mishlove - host and producer, New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel; Winner of the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) ‘Best Evidence for Afterlife’ Essay Contest ($500,000 First Prize). |
ROBIN FOY was the key witness to every moment of a 5-year, 500-session, 1,000-hour, multi-disciplinary, multi-country, spiritual science experiment and scientific investigation conducted between 1993 and 1998. This became known, in a best-selling book, as The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death, by Grant Solomon & Jane Solomon (author website).
Watch Robin Foy’s interviews with Dr Jeffrey Mishlove on YouTube…
'Here [Robin Foy] shares his insider's view of the amazing project that has come to be known as The Scole Experiment.'
- Dr Jeffrey Mishlove -
Host and producer, New Thinking Allowed YouTube Channel; Winner of the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) 'Best Evidence for Afterlife' Essay Contest ($500,000 First Prize).
- Dr Jeffrey Mishlove -
Host and producer, New Thinking Allowed YouTube Channel; Winner of the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) 'Best Evidence for Afterlife' Essay Contest ($500,000 First Prize).
The ‘impossible’ events that are related in Witnessing The Impossible: The Diary of The Scole Experiment are not science fiction.
Some of the data and evidence gathered during The Scole Experiment was collected in the presence of experienced and knowledgeable scientific investigators. These investigators, who also became witnesses, published their own witness testimony in a scholarly, peer-reviewed, technical document, The Scole Report, which forms part of the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). The Scole Report ABSTRACT begins with... 'This report is the outcome of a three-year investigation of a Group claiming to receive both messages and materialised or physical objects from a number of collaborative spirit communicators.' |