Extract from The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death
From the many testimonies we have received and reviewed, it is clear that the lights that manifested in the cellar constituted a spectacular experience. The lights appeared at most of the Scole Group's Experimental Sessions. Initially the lights the group had been witnessing were the by-product of other experiments being carried out by the Spirit Team. However, since the group members had enjoyed the ‘artefact lights’ so much and found them so evidential, the Team decided to develop them for demonstration to wider audiences in the future. Participants often remarked on how the lights seemed to have intelligence. Others reported that they had spirit lights enter them. People reported that they received 'healing' in this way.
The following is a few descriptions of some of the lights witnessed by investigators from The Society for Psychical Research (SPR). These scientific investigators reported thirty-three different types of light phenomena they considered to be paranormal evidence. See The Scole Report for more details.
The scientific investigators reported that lights would: